

Quick and effective relief for sudden nosebleeds. The absorbent NosePlug® sits firmly in the nostril without sticking, while the tube in the plug facilitates nasal breathing.

NosePlug® – a patented innovation developed by medical experts. Designed and made in Sweden!

One size fits all

Adaptable material and a bell-shaped form allows the NosePlug® to fit snuggly in all noses.

Effective compression

The umbrella shaped collar will add extra compression at the exact site of the bleeding source.

Facilitates healing

The absorbing PU foam keeps the nasal mucosa moistened for faster and better healing.

Non-stick surface

The non-stick surface makes it easy to remove the NosePlug® without risk of damage or re-bleeding.

Get the noseplug

Find your closest store

The NosePlug® is currently available in the Nordic countries. More markets are coming soon.


Hogne NäsPlug

Available at Apotek Hjärtat


Metode Neseplugg

Available at Apotek1


NosePlug nenätulppa

Available at NettiApteekki


NosePlug nenätulppa

Available at ApoteekkiPlus

Clinical test has showed that the NosePlug® stopped bleeding efficiently and promptly, while still allowing for good nasal breathing.

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August 12, 2024
Preparing for NACDS Total Store Expo 2024 NACDS Total Store Expo, held annually by the National Association of Chain Drugstores, “the largest gathering of chains and suppliers in the drugstore industry.” NACDS 2024 will be held August 17th through August 19th in boston , Massachusetts at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. See you at booth 1713! #hogne #noseplug #nosebleed #epistaxis #stopbleedingkeepbreathing #nacds
May 29, 2024
Reklam: Hej Sverige! Hogne NäsPlug säljs nu på Apotek Hjärtat @apotekhjartat runt om i landet samt online. Hogne NäsPlug är en näsplugg som kan användas för att snabbt få stopp på näsblod samtidigt som du kan fortsätta andas genom näsan. #hogne #näsplug #noseplug #nosebleed #nosebleed #stopbleedingkeepbreathing #näsblod #apotekhjärtat
January 29, 2024
NosePlug® Stop bleeding - Keep breathing 1. Clean your thumb and index finger, and use them to press together the flatter part of a NosePlug®. 2. Insert the entire NosePlug® into the bleeding nostril until only the tube protrudes. 3. Leave the NosePlug® in place until the bleeding has stopped (max. 8 hours). Then, slowly and carefully withdraw the entire NosePlug® from your nose. #noseplug #näsplug #nosebleed #epistaxis #stopbleedingkeepbreathing #hogne #nosebleeding #stopnosebleeds
January 26, 2024
Nasal bleeding, known as Epistaxis, is a common occurence that nearly everyone encounters at some point in life. Roughly one in ten individuals faces nosebleeds at least once a year, experiencing so called recurrent episodes, often at least four times every year. #nosebleed #noseplug #epistaxis #hogne #medicaldevice #medicaldeviceclass1 #stopbleedingkeepbreathing #näsplug
January 20, 2024
One size fits all Adaptable material and a bell-shaped form allows the NosePlug® to fit snuggly in all noses. Keep doing what you are doing. #noseplug #nasplug #näsplug #nosebleed #nosebleeding #epistaxis #onesizefitsall #stopnosebleeds #stopbleedingkeepbreathing #hogne


What is the use of the Noseplug®

NosePlug® is designed to stop common nosebleeds. It can be used by children and adults for upto 8 hours

Can small children use the NosePlug®

NosePlug®should only be used by small children following a recommendation from a healthcare professional and under adult supervision.

What do I do if the nosebleed doesn't stop

If the bleeding does not stop after a couple of minutes, an additional NasPlug can be inserted into the other nostril for more compression. If the bleeding still continues after 15 minutes, the compression can be increased by using your thumb and index finger to press together the soft part of the nose where the NosePlug® is inserted.

When to contact medical expertise

Please contact the healthcare service if the bleeding still continues for more than 30 minutes, or in the case of major head/facial trauma or a deterioration of your general condition.
Please contact a doctor if you experience nosebleeds often and without known reason.

How do I recycle the Noseplug®

A NosePlug® should be discarded after use. The packaging is recyclable – please sort it as plastic/paper as appropriate.

What should I do if I experience problems with the product

If problems or injuries arise during the use of NosePlug®, please contact Hogne AB and the Medical Products Agency/FDA in your country.


Instructions for use

Learn how to properly use the NosePlug® to stop common nosebleed.

View instructions
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